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Application & Software Guides ( 15 )
The following outlines how to configure and output an ADA Braille and Pictogram files from EngraveLab v6.1-7.1 to a Roland Engrave, models EGX-300, EGX-400 and EGX-500
503.15 KB
This document details tooling specs for 3D Relief Engraving
14.99 KB
The following document details tooling specs for ADA Indoor Signage.
22.92 KB
The following document details tooling specs for Ballnose Engraving.
15.67 KB
The following document details tooling specs for burnishing.
20.65 KB
The following document details how to colorfill engraved output
22.99 KB
The following document outlines different cutter types used for engraving.
85.22 KB
The following outlines how to create multiple plates using Dr. Engrave software
65.24 KB
The following document offers detailed instructions on creating a Braille drill job in EngraveLab
129.86 KB
The following document provides info to new users about engraving for profit.
2.45 MB
The following service bulletin outlines how to set-up, configure and output an engraving file for Rhinestone Motif applications. This is not all inclusive and meant as a guide only.
0.98 MB
This document details which USB to Serial adapters will work with Roland units serial ports.
106.95 KB
Collateral (Artwork) ( 1 )
Driver ( 6 )
Windows 10
Windows 10, Windows 8
2.5D Driver for Windows 8 Windows 10 32-bit only
56.37 KB
Windows 2000
Windows 7
Windows Vista
2.5D Driver for Windows Vista 32-bit ver. 1.40
313.50 KB
Windows XP
2.5D Driver for Windows XP 32-bit only ver. 1.40
51.93 KB
FAQ ( 1 )
Firmware ( 1 )
Firmware update for the EGX-300 v3.10. Please refer to the readme.txt for installation instructions.
273.90 KB
Maintenance & Calibration Guides ( 1 )
The following zip file contains the actual file and instructions for the EGX-300 engraver and PNC-2300A bed level kit. Please refer to the instructions for proper use.
1.37 MB
Owner & User Manual ( 6 )
Users manual for Rolands EGX 300, francais. Le suivre est le manual de lutilisateur pour Roland EGX300
3.69 MB
Product Info Guide ( 4 )
The following documenbt provides the features list of EngraveLab Expert v8.0
776.36 KB
This following is a full product catalog including brief machine descriptions and pricing for all machines sold in the jewelry market
649.68 KB
This includes description of machines and applications, along with pricing and machine specifications.
657.70 KB
Repair Guides ( 1 )
This documents reviews the current Roland DGA depot repair policy
147.37 KB
Sales Guide ( 1 )
The following application brief outlines how a Roland engraver can be used for ADA and indoor outdoor signage
277.38 KB
Setup & Install Guides ( 4 )
This installation and setup guide PDF details how to install R-Wear Studio software.
45.87 KB
Setting up the Roland EGX-300 and EngraveLab to cut IkonicsMetal
392.47 KB
This document outlines how to install US-CHIPSYS-C vacuum system in a Roland Engraver
48.46 KB
Software Updates ( 11 )
The following is the software package for 3D Engrave v2.60.
4.16 MB
This is an updater for 3D Engrave ver. 2.70. A previous version of 3D Engrave is required for this updater to work.
47.86 KB
The following is the software package for Dr. Engrave v2.68.
2.79 MB
This is the updater for Dr. Engrave ver. 2.72. A previous version of Dr. Engrave is required for this updater to work.
54.30 KB
The following is the plug-in updater v1.04 for Rhino 4.0 . In order to use this upgrade you must have the software application installed.
4.94 MB
The following is the plug-in updater v1.06 for Rhino 3.0 . In order to use this upgrade you must have the software application installed.
2.38 MB
The ZIP file contains the Roland library of Single Line Font to be used with Dr. Engrave. Installation instructions are included in this download package.
214.01 KB
This is an updater for R-WearStudio ver. 1.32. A previous version of R-WearStudio must be installed for this work.
48.42 KB
The following is the software package for Virtual Modela v1.71.
3.87 MB
The following is the updater for Virtual Modela v1.71. In order to use this upgrade you must have the software application installed.
2.08 MB
Training Videos ( 12 )
Cutting 3D Objects Created in Rolands 3D Engrave Software
49.46 KB
The following is a basic set-up and operation video for diamond scribing using Rolands EGX-300 Engraver.
11.78 MB
Short Flash video showing installation and operation of medallion accessory for Roland MV-1 and MV-2 vises.
0.00 bytes
Short Flash video showing installation and operation of pen fixture for Roland MX-1 and MV-2 vises for EGX series rotary engravers.
0.00 bytes
Short Flash video showing proper installation and operation of pin jig accessory for the Roland MV-1 and MV-2 vises for Roland EGX series rotary engravers.
0.00 bytes
Short Flash video on proper installation and use of the ruler fixture on the Roland MV-1 and MV-2 vises for Roland EGX series rotary engravers.
0.00 bytes
Short flash video detailing proper installation and setup of the MV-2 vice on the Roland EGX-300 Rotary Engraver.
0.00 bytes
The following is a basic set-up and operation video for plastic engraving using Rolands EGX-300 Engraver.
16.56 MB
Follow this link to the Roland Academy Webinars On-Demand webpage. Then filter through the videos to find a training session that suits your needs.
57.43 KB
Setup and Basic Use of Rolands 3D Engrave Software
49.51 KB
The following video outlines how to vectorize a graphic using Roland Dr. Engrave.
58.34 KB
Troubleshooting Guides ( 1 )
This document helps users who can't send jobs or can't communicate to their device after a Windows Update caused a communication issue with the driver. The document shows users how to uninstall the Windows update to resume communication and operation.
1.31 MB
Knowledge Base Articles ( 7 )
HELP!! I can't find the driver I need for my Roland!
The cut path is being clipped on one side of the print
EGX-300 is receiving a I/O error using a serial cable
Information about my legacy product
When outputting a design to your engraver or milling machine, the software needs to be able to translate commands to the device. These commands tell the machine how fast to mill, at what revolutions per minute (RPM), and where to mill in 3D space. This is what makes up a toolpath. A Strategy is a combination of tool movements, material properties, software algorithms, and tool characteristics.
Why can't I connect my Roland unit to my new computer? I have a parallel to USB adapter
Windows 7 Software Compatibility List