You may ask, “How much metallic silver and white ink is consumed in maintenance on a VS series printer/cutter if not printing with either spot color?”
The answer is: “Not as much as you might think”.
It’s hard to pinpoint the exact amount because each workflow and machine is unique, but based off the benchmark point with no use of specialty ink, the amount of consumption due to general maintenance averages around 4.5ccper month.White Eco SOL Max Ink
An important point to remember is that when using a media profile which includes white and/or metallic inkjet ink (such as CMYKLcLmMt or White->CMYKLcLm), the machine discharges the settled specialty ink automatically before starting to print the job. Ink consumption will be 4.1cc of combined W/Mt ink.
To minimize consumption, these profiles should be avoided for all CMYKLcLm only printing.