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News Views & How-To's

Managing Expectations

Ever played the game "telephone"? It starts with a circle of people and a wacky story whispered from person-to-person around the circle. The fun comes when the last person in the circle says aloud what they last heard, and the initial person says what they originally started with. Without exception it's completely different from what started the cycle. Managing expectations can be very similar.

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Roland DG Restyling is "in a Relationship"

I'm not much of a car guy. First because I'm not a guy and second because cars to me are simply a method of transportation – not a source of entertainment or a statement of style. (Although I suppose my 4 Door Honda Accord DOES speak to my practical nature.) Recently, however, I'm looking at NASCAR in a whole new light.

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From the LA Auto Show

I love going to the auto show. As a kid growing up in the Detroit suburbs, it was an annual affair. I can still remember the excitement of seeing all the new models (both the 4-wheel and 2-leg versions), the lights, the music, the electricity in the air. These annual treks probably had as much to do with me being a "car guy" today as anything else.

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Como generar fuentes de línea única para su uso con Dr. Engrave

Antes de que usted gaste entre US$ 79 y US$ 500 en un paquete de fuentes para “grabado”, lea esto: Dr. Engrave incluye una función exclusiva que le permite crearlas usted mismo.

La utilidad se llama SFEdit y está incluida como parte del software Dr. Engrave. Esta utilidad le permite tomar cualquier fuente TrueType de Windows y convertirla en una fuente de línea única. Esto quiere decir que si usted tiene 2.000 fuentes TrueType en su PC, puede tener 2.000 fuentes de línea única para usar con el software Dr. Engrave. Además, el programa SFEdit le permite editar la biblioteca de fuentes para “limpiarlas” como mejor le parezca. Si usted nunca ha usado el programa SFEdit para crear sus propias fuentes, aquí los pasos a seguir:

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Hello, my name is…

This is my Roland DG name badge. It took less than 5 minutes to make and cost less than $1. You could sell one like it for around $6. You probably couldn’t sell this one for $6, since I have an unusual name, and anyone with my name is unlikely to have my title as well, which limits the audience substantially. On the other hand, actually making name tags for people with their names on them can be a very good business. All kinds of companies use name badges, and some of them are probably your customers already.

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Roland DGA Cartridge Recycling program

I recently saw a post on our Facebook restyling page asking if we had a recycling program. Yes! The Roland DGA Cartridge Recycling Program, launched in early 2010, was met with cheers of excitement & enthusiasm from Roland DG owners. Over the last year, we’ve saved thousands of cartridges from the landfill. One Roland DG owner had been saving cartridges for years in hopes of a good recycling program…

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Please Don’t Drool on the Machines

We took our package prototyping technologies to Pack Expo last week and despite our distant booth location in the "More Exhibits" area at the end of the North Hall, on the far right aisle, almost to the back, you found us. Brand owners, package designers, contract manufacturers and even other exhibitors were oogling over our product offering, telling us how revolutionary our equipment is. That's right, they were telling us! As if we might not realize what we have here.

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