Roland DGA | Roland
News Views & How-To's

Roland DGA

Our Take on The Rules of Wrap

One of the things we at Roland DG love most about wide-format graphics is their ability to transform just about anything into something completely different. If this strikes a chord with you, then you must really love vehicle wraps. They’re just plain cool.

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Creating a Set of “Trick Chromed” Toyota Decals

Mark Roberts is the owner of The InterSign Group, a Houston-based company specializing in business branding, identification, marketing and way-finding. In addition to running a successful business, Mark writes “how to” sign-making and digital printing articles and is a regular contributor to Sign Builder Illustrated magazine. We have invited Mark to share his insights as a Roland DGA guest blogger.

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Cómo Obtener el Gris Perfecto

Uno de los desafíos que muchos clientes enfrentan regularmente es la impresión de imágenes con grises neutrales. Tenemos que admitir que el gris es uno de los colores más difíciles de lograr ya que usa los cuatro colores de la impresora, y éstos tienen que estar perfectamente balanceados. Cualquier variación en la cantidad de tinta puede modificar el color. Aquí algunos consejos para ayudarle a lograr aquel gris perfecto.

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