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Roland DGA

VersaWorks Step & Repeat Function Makes Creating Patterns Easy

The Step & Repeat feature in VersaWorks allows you to fill a specified area with rows and columns of duplicated images. Each row or column can have its position shifted from the previous duplicates, creating a unique pattern. This feature is perfect for producing wall coverings and textile printing, or any application that involves patterns.

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700x400 Dummy

Aumente la Productividad de su LEF-12 con Accesorios Personalizados

Si usted en verdad desea maximizar la productividad de su LEF-12, no hay mejor forma que crear Accesorios Personalizados para sujetar múltiples objetos en la mesa de la impresora. Dichos accesorios ayudan a evitar errores frecuentes al reducir drásticamente el tiempo requerido en cargar múltiples objetos de impresión sobre la mesa.

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Creating High-Impact Truck Graphics

We came across some fun images and info on truck graphics. In our opinion, when it comes to digital graphics that move at 60 mph, you’ve got it right when the picture tells the story. Include a little branding and eliminate the words and they’ll “get the picture.” Advertising on the side of a truck can be really powerful. Here are some facts and figures about moving billboards.

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