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SOLJET Pro III XJ-740 74" Eco-Solvent Inkjet Printer
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Application & Software Guides ( 12 )
This document describes the process for calibrating or linerizing a print mode in Roland VersaWorks.
1.81 MB
This document details installation instructions for placing the Roland Color Library into Corel.
1.91 MB
This document outlines the procedures to load the Roland VersaWorks swatches into Adobe Indesign.
1.64 MB
This document outlines the procedure for printing gray using Roland VersaWorks RIP application.
1.04 MB
This document describes the use of Special Color and Named Color Replacement in Roland VersaWorks.
399.01 KB
First in the series Know Before You Print, this document explains when and why to use the test print and cleaning feature.
1.73 MB
Details how to use the Roland Color System for perfect matching color out of Illustrator.
2.08 MB
Instructions on how to use the Custom Cut feature in VersaWorks. This instruction set is for configuring VersaWorks to a determined page size to increase cut accuracy.
2.44 MB
This document outlines the procedure for performing a Clean Reinstallation of Roland VersaWorks.
51.83 KB
This document offers tips and tricks on how to use VersaWorks effectively in conjunction with design applications such as Illustrator and Photoshop.
15.11 MB
Windows 7 Support Information for color products: VersaWorks, COLORIP, ColorChoice and ColorChoice II.
75.52 KB
Bulletin ( 1 )
ESM-FRSB and ESM-BOSB flame retardancy testing results.
46.69 KB
Demo File ( 1 )
Document ( 2 )
spreadsheet referenced in job log part 2 webinar.
40.03 KB
Firmware ( 3 )
The zip file includes updater application, firmware file and instructions on installation.
3.20 MB
Maintenance & Calibration Guides ( 5 )
Details how to ensure correct print quality by using the BiDirectional Adjustment.
1.12 MB
This document details how to perform the Media Feed Calibration. This test is crucial in removing banding from prints.
1.17 MB
This test pattern shows how the print heads are firing and can explain many print quality issues. This document details how to perform the test print and correct possible issues that may arise.
2.27 MB
Step by step guide to cleaning and maintaining your Roland product.
56.84 KB
Details replacement of the sheet cutting blade for all print and cut devices.
478.01 KB
Media Application Guide ( 3 )
HTM3 and PTM2 Application Instructions - Spanish
606.23 KB
HeatSoft SATIN ESM-HTMS and PTM2 Transfer Mask Application Instructions
265.26 KB
Media Specification Sheet ( 5 )
Specification Sheet for PGM-PTM2 HeatSoft Polyester Transfer Mask - Spanish
147.59 KB
MSDS ( 17 )
Eco-Sol Max GREENGUARD Gold Certification. Current until April 2018.
273.73 KB
This is a conformity statement to EUs RoHS directive for the ESL3 inks. EcoSOL MAX - ESL3-CY, ESL3-MG, ESL3-YE, ESL3-BK, ESL3-LC, ESL3-LM, ESL3-WH, ESL3-4CY, ESL3-4MG, ESL3-4YE, ESL3-4BK, ESL3-4LC, ESL3-4LM
65.54 KB
Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS for Glossy Backlit Film ESM-GBF Roland Certified Media.
78.13 KB
Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS for Light Weight Banner Vinyl ESM-LBV2 Roland Certified Media.
177.46 KB
Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS for Matte Backlit Film ESM-MBF Roland Certified Media.
78.15 KB
Material Safety Data Sheet for PGM-PTM2 HeatSoft Polyester Transfer Mask
140.07 KB
Conformity statement to EUs RoHS directive for the SL-CL SOL Cleaning cartridge
39.29 KB
Owner & User Manual ( 7 )
This guide describes the white ink workflow on XC-540, including the new Single Pass printing mode.
19.07 MB
DU-540 Manual del Usuario. Users Manual for the DU-540, Espanol.
952.02 KB
DU-540, DU-640 and DU-740 Users Manual, English. Guide includes basic setup, calibration, operation, and troubleshooting instructions.
592.34 KB
All information for basic set up and use of the Versaworks software in Spanish
0.98 MB
Product Info Guide ( 1 )
The following document provides info on the RWear Studio software program
428.69 KB
R-World ( 1 )
Collaborations from around the world. Eight-page Rworld Newsletter. Cover stories include Digital EFX AJ-1000 from Japan. Published Spring 2007.
1.35 MB
Sample Files ( 2 )
This Zip file contains a variety of PDF files that can be used when submitting print samples to Roland for evaluation. Use the appropriate file to create your sample.
Please follow the enclosed instructions when printing and sending the test file.
8.59 MB
Service Manual & Notes ( 1 )
Setup & Install Guides ( 4 )
Setup Guide for XJ-540 XJ-640 XJ-740 SOLJET PRO III Printers
1.37 MB
Most Roland devices are supplied with a one year standard manufacturers warranty, but by registering your device within 60 days of purchase, your product could qualify for an extended warranty of up to 3 years.
78.27 KB
This document outlines the procedures to install RVW printer drivers manually in Windows7.
2.01 MB
Software Guides ( 2 )
Software Updates ( 4 )
This CorelDraw X5 swatch file includes the swatch for doing PerfCut. Please copy the unzipped .xml file into the My Palettes folder under My Documents.
342.00 bytes
This is the software package zip file for SFEdit2 and supports R-WearStudio and MetazaStudio software only.
1.83 MB
This updater will upgrade the older RVW .Read all the instructions first on this link. Before you select. 585MB -- 690MBfrom Ver3.00 to Ver5.00 RVWUpdater30.exe 420MB:below Ver3.00
47.20 KB
Training Videos ( 14 )
High resolution video of the offline cutting workflow using GX cutters and XJ SOLJET PRO III printers and Roland VersaWorks.
50.36 KB
This video outlines the process of making a network connection to a Roland Printercutter.
54.30 KB
This video explains the PerfCut feature in VersaWorks and how to use it.
56.71 KB
Tutorial video for printing in VersaWorks with CMYK, Metallic Silver and White in Single-Pass and Dual-Pass.
56.27 KB
Follow this link to the Roland Academy Webinars On-Demand webpage. Then filter through the videos to find a training session that suits your needs.
57.43 KB
Basic workflow for producing a Rhinestone motif template using Roland R-WearStudio.
64.53 KB
Tutorial video for selecting the proper print modes in VersaWorks when printing with CMYK, White and Metallic Silver on clear media.
55.33 KB
Video for working with transparencies in Adobe Illustrator specifically for VersaWorks original. Certain design elements in Illustrator can cause cut lines to disappear in VersaWorks original.
70.89 KB
This video outlines how to troubleshoot cutlines from Adobe Illustrator for Roland VersaWorks.
53.31 KB
The video outlines how to perform Roland VersaWorks update via Roland@Net and Offline updater.
53.31 KB
This video will walk you through the steps of using the Roland System Color Library with CorelDRAW.
17.57 MB
This video outlines the process to use variable data printing in VersaWorks.
64.48 KB
The following video outlines how to vectorize a graphic for rhinestone placement using Roland R-WearStudio.
64.70 KB
Troubleshooting Guides ( 10 )
This document will go over all aspects when encountering a corrupt file.
1.95 MB
This troubleshooting document will describe the possible causes for horizontal banding
3.65 MB
How to VerifyReset the TCPIP Connection. For all nework based printers.
2.02 MB
This troubleshooting guide will review different aspects of color variations.
2.58 MB
The troubleshooting guide will describe the reasons for having a sheet set up error on a Roland printer.
1.53 MB
Document describing issues and solutions relateted to static on Roland devices.
889.66 KB
Este documento está diseñado para proporcionar una descripción general sobre cómo la estática afecta la calidad de impresión en las impresoras Roland de formato ancho.
1.29 MB
This document outlines the troubleshooting procedures for VersaWorks crashing or freezing lock up.
609.10 KB
Warranty Policies ( 2 )
Roland DGA actualizó la Política de fin de vida útil. Ofreceremos soporte hasta (5) años después de que Roland DGA envíe la última unidad (fecha de descontinuación).
386.73 KB
Roland DGA updated the End of Life Policy. We will offer support to (5) years after the last unit is shipped (discontinued date) from Roland DGA.
275.65 KB
Knowledge Base Articles ( 29 )
Chart of color products (EcoSol/UV/Sublimation) that includes the various configurations, ink types and part numbers for ink. This article has been optimized for Mobile viewing.
The cut path is being clipped on one side of the print
How to troubleshoot white banding (or density drop, streaking, ink starvation)
Internal Error Code 0000007
Internal Error Code 1410172
Is there a way to stop a headwash?
Motor Error 0001
Motor Error 0004
Motor Error 0005
Motor Error 0008
Motor Error 0009
Motor Error 0010
Motor Error 0040
Motor Error 0080
Motor Error 0090
My media is buckling is there any way I can prevent this?
My Roland printer is reading the full width of the platen bed even though I loaded a smaller roll
My VersaWorks is freezing or crashing
Information about my legacy product
Roland VersaWorks Guide
Service Call 0109
Service Call 0135 error
Can I use either of these cleaning cartridges interchangeably?
The material skews on one side when printing or cutting.
VersaWorks Measurement Failed Error Code = - 4087
When outputting a design to your printer, the software needs to be able to translate commands to the device (such as how much ink to fire and when). These commands tell the machine how fast to feed the material, at what speed the print carriage travels, and what heat settings are needed for the print platen. Other variables include theproperties of thematerial being printed on, how the ink chemsitry reacts to it, how the different process colors of ink blend together to form other colors, and how long the print takes to dry. A Profile is a combination of all of these variables, among others.
Windows 7 Software Compatibility List