Modela MDX-40 3D Milling Machine | Roland DGA
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The following outlines how to create multiple plates using Dr. Engrave software
65.24 KB
This support document offers tips and tricks for cutting a wide variery of shapes with Roland Modeling Machines, MDX
152.20 KB
This document details how to diamond scribe using the MDX-40 and JWX-10 in addition to required accessories.
658.56 KB
List of MDX material suppliers.
343.43 KB
Updated version of the Product Design and Manufacturing Curriculum used with the MDX-15 educational bundle. This version also includes changes for milling using Modela Player 4 and the MDX-40
12.62 MB
RU Workshop Manual for the MDX40 covers tooling, different file formats, SRP Player, machine set-up, maintenance and additional resources
6.07 MB
This support document offers tips and tricks for scanning a wide variety of shapes with Rolands Dr. Picza scanning software
78.73 KB
This tutorial will guide you through various steps required in producing a double-sided part on the MDX-40, ZCL-40 and Modela Player 4. The resulting functional part is a fan which can be used to blow chips away from the cutting surface.
2.04 MB
This tutorial guides you through various steps required to produce a single sided part using the MDX40 and Modela Player 4. Resulting part is a tool sensor holder that can be used to hold the sensor in a safe, accessible location.
1.38 MB
Using Modela Player 4 create a one sided part. Instructions for MDX-40. Concepts can be used for all products using Modela Player 4.
1.29 MB
Art Center - Roland Education in 3D Video
0.00 bytes
Windows 10
OS Compatibility List
55.12 KB
Windows 10, Windows 8
2.5D Driver for Windows 8 Windows 10 32-bit only
56.37 KB
2.5D Driver for Windows 8 Windows 10 64-bit ver 1.20
50.09 KB
Windows 2000
2.5D Driver for Windows 2000 ver. 1.16
70.00 KB
Windows 7
2.5D Driver for Windows 732-bit only
58.12 KB
2.5D Driver for Windows 7 64-bit ver 1.20
50.00 KB
Windows 7, Windows Vista
This document PDF outlines the procedures to install a Roland driver in Windows 7 and Windows Vista.
239.03 KB
Windows Vista
2.5D Driver for Windows Vista 32-bit ver. 1.40
313.50 KB
2.5D Driver for Windows Vista 64-bit ver 1.20
57.93 KB
Windows XP
2.5D Driver for Windows XP 32-bit only ver. 1.40
51.93 KB
Latest MDX40 firmware version 1.90. Includes instructions and all necessary files for uploading the current firmware to your device.
374.29 KB
When using ProtoWizard and ring cut appears shifted, use this document to correct this error. Please note the ProtoWizard set-up procedure should be done prior to cutting a ring
151.19 KB
After cutting the rotary alignment test piece, the Z-Axis may need to be adjusted slightly so the test piece comes out to 8mm thickness. Please note the ProtoWizard set-up procedure would have to be done prior to cutting a ring.
194.27 KB
No Description Available.
833.34 KB
Users manual for the ZCL-40A rotary axis unit.
3.58 MB
Users guide for Rolands 3D Engrave software
908.79 KB
Users manual for Rolands Dr Engrave software
601.54 KB
Users manual for MDX40
721.29 KB
Users manual, MDX40. francais
850.92 KB
Users manual, MDX40. espanol
1.22 MB
Users manual for Rolands Virtual Modela
367.82 KB
Users Manual, ZCL40, English
1.28 MB
Users Manual for ZSC1, English
615.35 KB
This following is a full product catalog including brief machine descriptions and pricing for all machines sold in the jewelry market
649.68 KB
This includes description of machines and applications, along with pricing and machine specifications.
657.70 KB
Info guide; please read prior to installing the ZSC-1 scanning unit
102.17 KB
Basic step by step installation of Roland SRP Player software, setting preferences, options, steps to create jobs, steps for job modification, step by step procedures for advanced modifications.
2.80 MB
This document contains set-up procedures for the MDX40 with ProtoWizard
1.36 MB
The following is the software package for 3D Engrave v2.60.
4.16 MB
The following is the software package for Dr. Engrave v2.68.
2.79 MB
This is the updater for Dr. Engrave ver. 2.72. A previous version of Dr. Engrave is required for this updater to work.
54.30 KB
This is the updater for the Modela Player 4 ver. 2.12. Modela Player 4 must be installed prior to applying this update.
48.57 KB
The following is the plug-in updater v1.04 for Rhino 4.0 . In order to use this upgrade you must have the software application installed.
4.94 MB
The following is the plug-in updater v1.06 for Rhino 3.0 . In order to use this upgrade you must have the software application installed.
2.38 MB
The ZIP file contains the Roland library of Single Line Font to be used with Dr. Engrave. Installation instructions are included in this download package.
214.01 KB
The following is the updater for Virtual Modela v1.71. In order to use this upgrade you must have the software application installed.
2.08 MB
Cutting 3D Objects Created in Rolands 3D Engrave Software
49.46 KB
Follow this link to the Roland Academy Webinars On-Demand webpage. Then filter through the videos to find a training session that suits your needs.
57.43 KB
Setup and Basic Use of Rolands 3D Engrave Software
49.51 KB
Basic workflow for the SRP Player software for MDX-540 and MDX-40A.
19.48 MB
Using Rolands 3D Engrave Software
49.37 KB
The following video outlines how to vectorize a graphic using Roland Dr. Engrave.
58.34 KB
The following video outlines how to install a Windows 7 compatible USB driver via the plug and play method.
51.83 KB
The following video outlines how to install a true Windows 7 print driver using the pre-installation method.
54.43 KB
This document discusses deleting or canceling a job that has been already sent to the machine. The procedure is the same for the MDX-1520 40, 40A, JWX-10 and covers clearing the machine and computer.
74.06 KB
The following document discusses how to install SRP Player on multiple computers without the milling machine being connected to the computer.
102.09 KB
The following document covers possible communication issues that may be induced by Windows power save features ranging from laptops to desktop computers.
248.71 KB
This progrom allows you to send prn, rml, plt or firmware files to your Roland device.
149.25 KB
HELP!! I can't find the driver I need for my Roland!
The cut path is being clipped on one side of the print
How to install a Roland driver in Windows 7 and Windows Vista
MDX-40A just triggered an Emergency Stop
No spindle rotation on my MDX-40A
No activity on the MDX-40A VPanel
No activity on the unit, no power
Information about my legacy product
All Roland devices with a USB, Parallel (LPT), or Serial (COM) port need a driver to communicate with a computer. For Roland products compatible with Apple Macintosh operating systems, a plugin is used with Adobe Illustrator. For Roland devices with an Ethernet port, the output software (e.g. - RIP)includes the driver as part of the application.
When outputting a design to your engraver or milling machine, the software needs to be able to translate commands to the device. These commands tell the machine how fast to mill, at what revolutions per minute (RPM), and where to mill in 3D space. This is what makes up a toolpath. A Strategy is a combination of tool movements, material properties, software algorithms, and tool characteristics.
Windows 7 Software Compatibility List