3D rapid prototyping | monoFab series | Roland DGA
monoFab series
Turn Your Ideas Into Reality

Since 1986, Roland has been at the forefront of 3D fabrication, delivering tens of thousands of milling machines and the industry's best support for a wide variety of applications. Now, Roland is again leading the way with a new series of 3D rapid prototyping machines that will bring your imagination to life.

Roland monoFab is a revolutionary new concept in desktop fabrication tools that combines the additive capabilities of 3D printing with the subtractive capabilities of milling. Which device is best is determined by the characteristics and requirements of your 3D models.

Precise, compact and easy to use, the monoFab series rapid prototyping machines give design professionals the unique ability to combine parts produced by each device for prototypes that integrate the best capabilities of both 3D printing and 3D milling.

Desktop 3D Printer

The ARM-10 desktop 3D printer allows you to easily output prototypes and samples any number of times so you can handle your designs, check their appearance, and get approvals before proceeding to manufacture.

Learn more about the ARM-10 Desktop 3D Printer

Compact Milling Machine

With the SRM-20 compact milling machine, you can mill a variety of off-the-shelf materials with excellent precision for functional, snap-fit prototypes and short-run products.

Learn more about the SRM-20 Compact Milling Machine