If an MDX-540 series machine is running rough or making strange noises when moving in a circular pattern, but running fine in X & Y, then a quick setting change in the V-Panel could solve the problem.
Creating High-Impact Truck Graphics
We came across some fun images and info on truck graphics. In our opinion, when it comes to digital graphics that move at 60 mph, you’ve got it right when the picture tells the story. Include a little branding and eliminate the words and they’ll “get the picture.” Advertising on the side of a truck can be really powerful. Here are some facts and figures about moving billboards.
Prevent Mottling by Updating to VersaWorks 4.43
Mottling can cause quite an issue – if you let it. Fortunately, with Roland@NET, help is just a click away.
Keeping Your Image Intact Through the Workflow
If you are experiencing disappearing images, it’s very likely that somewhere along the way a link was broken.
Show Off! See the latest from Roland DG Customers!
One of the best parts about my job is interfacing with our customers and learning about their work. Just this week, we added over 10 new customer exhibits to the Roland DG Creative Center which lives in our lobby. Our customers’ work never ceases to amaze me. Here is a look at some of the new exhibits now on display in our lobby.
Outlook from the pundits
I just wrapped up ISA’s Supplier & Distributor Conference, where Dr. Dietrich from ITR Economics presented an outlook based on key economic indicators like Producer Pricing Index, GDP, unemployment, housing starts and a host of other factors to try to better forecast the business environment looking forward.
Email Frequency – When Is Enough Too Much?
Has this ever happened to you? I signed up for a promotional newsletter from a cruise line and began receiving updated pricing and availabilities approximately every three weeks or so. A year later, I’m suddenly receiving an email a day and sometimes two! Seriously?
Roland DG’s Got Teeth (Literally)
Many of you are familiar with Roland DG inkjets, but you may not be aware of the “other” side of our business which is responsible for some pretty unique applications from 3D milling, scanning and impact printing technologies. The latest Roland DG innovation in this space is aimed at the dental market. That might surprise you, but actually, the benchtop milling machines Roland DG DWX-50 5-Axis Dental Milling Machinewe’ve been perfecting over the last 30-years, primarily for engineers and product designers to prototype 3D models in wax, plastics, wood and a variety of other materials, transition beautifully into Digital Dental Mills, carving out dental prosthetics from a special ceramic called Zirconia (yes, a variant of Cubic Zirconia). Zirconia, a material biologically compatible with the human body and stronger (many times over) than our own teeth, is becoming very popular in the dental industry, however, it can’t be manufactured with their traditional methods (ei. precious metal & lost wax casting). Instead it requires a mill to shape the crown, bridge or coping.