Using the Step & Repeat Function in VersaWorks 6 | Roland
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Using the Step & Repeat Function in VersaWorks 6

by Jay Roberts, Roland DGA Product Manager - UV Printers

Sometimes you run across features that are just plain cool …Roland DG’s Step & Repeat function in VersaWorks 6.0 is one of those features. When you add a job, this useful tool enables you to Step & Repeat it, easily and efficiently, with outstanding results.

Step 1

Right Click on a Job, click Step & Repeat

step 1

Step 2

When the Step & Repeat WINDOW opens, a variety of options are available to choose from like Sizing and other various Page Layout features.

  • Graphic Size
  • Indentation
  • Page Set Up
  • Offset X and Offset Y
  • Normal Repeat (Horizontal and Vertical Repeat)
  • Preview Quality
step 2

Step 3

The Step and Repeat Feature is available to create backgrounds or various effects. Using the Repeat Pull-Down Menu, a Normal, Horizontal or Vertical Repeat value is available.

step 3

Step 4

Using the Ratio Tabs, we can create a variety of repeat graphics for a variety of different looks and prints.

step 4

Step 5

Once you have finished the finished the Step & Repeat process, double click on the New Graphic and change the properties to Special Effects (or White) to change the print properties.

step 5

Jay Roberts

Jay Roberts is Roland DGA’s UV print specialist. A foremost expert in print, color optimization and UV print methods, he educates dealers, Roland DGA's users, and custom graphic providers about VersaUV printers and products and leads workshops on digital printing and creative art.