by Kevin Rosen, Roland DGA Application Specialist

Did you know there are ways you can get valuable information on how to best use your Roland DG devices, learn about new applications, and more – right from your desktop? Roland DGA offers some great online educational and support tools you can access instantly, including the following.
The Roland DGA Academy is the video archive database where we store many educational videos on all Roland DGA products. This section also may include some third-party programs such as Illustrator, Photoshop and CorelDRAW. The Academy offers a wealth of useful tips and information. Below are just a few examples:
- Basics of Dimensional UV Printing
- Beginner’s Guide to Print/Cut with Adobe Illustrator
- Using CorelDRAW to create special Effects with VersaUV Printers

Click on this link, and you’ll gain immediate access to our technical support video section. Here you will find a vault of videos created to help support/maintain your Roland DG Products. In this area, you can find videos on things like those listed below…and a multitude of additional subjects:
- Installation of BN
- Restoring Missing Nozzles
- Discharging static on the LEF
I hope the information provided above is useful to you and your business.